Recently returned to New Zealand having spent 6 years working in Port Moresby; Papua New Guinea as the Chief Information Officer for ASX listed Financial Services firm Kina Securities. Happily married to my reality checker, she of and very proud jungle gym for the 3X’s… X1,X2,X3 – my kids.

We had the experience of a lifetime, moving from Dunedin and becoming expats in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Keep checking often as I recount our trials and tribulations as we live/lived in “The Land of the Unexpected”, and my thoughts on Technology, PNG Development and Expat life. Coming back to NZ feels a bit like leaving, so I will still keep the blogging going – but there maybe more focus on an outside/in view of PNG, as well as life outside the bubble.

Please do let me know if there is anything I can help with especially about PNG, but also if you need formal advice or advisory services.

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